So, here I am. Day 3 of NaNoWriMo, and I am really trying to stick with it. I have definitely done waaaay more than I have in past years since creating my account on the NaNo site. I updated my author info, I have writing buddies, I have participated in the Facebook group, I'm reading the pep talks, and I am actually updating my word count. And it's super low, nowhere near the 5,000 word mark I should be at by the end of today. I'm okay with that. I'm writing. I'm here blogging. My novel has a name. Progress, right???
I don't think anyone reads my posts, but it feels good write it all out. Ha!
Until tomorrow, blogging world...I leave you with this meme that is SO my current situation.
Meme from FYeahWriterLeopard on Tumbler